Kyle B3nac
Product Security Engineer, Security Researcher, CTF Maker
The skills and knowledge I've acquired are self taught from applying what I've learned during this journey from eight years old until now. First I learned how to program games in Python and from there my curiosity kept me wanting to learn more. My first vulnerability that lead me down this path was a subdomain takeover that was responsibly reported, the reward from the company was a $200 gift card. During bug bounty hunting I have found three critical vulnerabilities in a private program. These vulnerabilities involved two different areas of the AWS hosted websites and their Android application. In conclusion this illustrates how thorough my bug hunting and pentests are for a company. The highly sensitive credentials found were in the wild for at least a year. Not only do I enjoy finding vulnerabilities but also enjoy helping companies with the process of fixing them.
Talks relating to Android mobile security.
VirSecCon 2020
DEF CON Safe Mode Red Team Village 2020
Ekoparty Mobile Hacking Space 2020